March 10, 2015

Maven: Create "" file inside the generated Jar file

Sometimes when you create a Jar file and send it to the Client, you need to keep tracking it.

You can append the version with the Jar file name, but what if the client change it?
So, I have found that the best way is to inject a file inside the Jar file contains all necessary attributes as Version Number, Build Number and Build date.

How to do that?
Simply, create a file inside /src/main/resources/ (I called it
In this file write the following:

version = ${project.version} = ${build.version} = ${timestamp}

Go to pom.xml and set the following properties:

  <>HH:mm dd.MM.yyyy</>

in the same file go to and add the following lines:


Finished ?! Now when you generate the Jar file you will find the file in the root of the jar file as follow:

version = project version = 1.2.3 = 10:20 1.2.2015

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